
Georgia Meloni Became the First Female Prime Minister of Italy!

Georgia Meloni is confirmed to be the first female prime minister of Italy in the far-right election win after receiving a clear majority in Sunday’s Italian election, based on partial results to come on Monday. The results have set her up to become the country’s first female prime minister, at the top of the most right-wing government since the Second World War.

Estimates based on votes calculated from about two-thirds of polling stations revealed her euro-sceptic Brothers of Italy party before other candidates in Sunday’s balloting.

In a victory speech, the 45-year-old and the most confident George Meloni said: “If we are chosen to govern this nation, we will do it for everyone, we will do it for all Italians, and we will do it to unite the people.

“Italy chose us. We will not betray (the country) as we never have.”

Establishing a ruling federation could take weeks with the support of Ms Meloni’s right-wing and centre-right allies.

Italy’s president gives the obligations and directives to form a government after consultations with party leaders. Former European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi stays on in a caretaker role. His government collapsed only two months ago,

Ms Meloni has solidly backed the provision of Ukraine with arms to protect itself against Russia’s invasion.

Where Italy’s households and businesses are struggling with staggeringly high energy bills because the winter is approaching, Ms Meloni has baulked at Mr Salvini’s push to surge already-debt-laden Italy’s borrowing by tens of billions of euros for energy relief.

What kind of government the eurozone’s third-largest economy is going to make? This has been a topic to be watched closely together in Europe, given Ms Meloni’s denunciation of “Brussels bureaucrats” and her ties to other right-wing leaders.

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