
Complete Guide to Design and Planning of Loft Conversion

Managing to get some extra space in the house can be a tedious process. You must have come across many people who think of relocating or buying new properties due to a lack of space. But everyone does not have the affordability to invest in new assets. In that case, all that they can do is invest in installing a Loft conversion. This is much easier than buying a new property or relocating from one place to another.

Installing a loft conversion is not as easy as it sounds to be. In most cases, people prefer hiring the services of Loft extensions in London to doing everything themselves. This is because installing Loft extensions needs professional knowledge and expertise which most people lack. One of the greatest benefits of Loft conversion is you do not need to invest a lot of money. Instead, you can spend a little and get a great home renovation.

If you can catch hold of the best Loft conversion service providers, you can get an aesthetic appeal with Loft conversion that most houses in your locality are missing. So, if you want people to take a look at the design of your house, and add some more space to your house, invest in Loft conversion. Since many people are not aware of installing Loft conversion, we have a detailed guide for you. Therefore, without further delay, let’s get into the details of the block right away.

Planning for a loft conversion

When you are determined to install a Loft conversion, the first step to obtaining it is to have a detailed plan. In the planning process, you have to include everything right from the paperwork, to the type of roof you want, the design of the staircase, selecting the right insulation, and the cost of Loft conversion.

If you are hiring the services of a Loft conversion company, the professionals and experts from the company will prefer inspecting the place first. This is because they want to provide you with the best service. To help them with the necessary information, you need to be up to date about your property. When you are prepared to install Loft conversions, make sure to consider the building both from the inside and outside. After all, you want to get the best results, something which does not affect the functionality of your house.

Questions to ask before installing a loft conversion

Generally, most properties are suitable for Loft conversion installation. However, the only consideration to be kept in mind is the Loft has to be at a 2.3 m. Along with the height, other essential features can help you to decide whether you are space is suitable for a Loft conversion. Given below are some questions that you need to address before installing Loft conversion:

  • Do you have enough roof height?

In general, for installing a Loft conversion, you need a roof height of at least 2.3 metres. In any case, if the height of the roof space is less than this, it does not mean you cannot install a Loft conversion. If the roof height is less than 2.3 metres, you have two solutions at hand. In both solutions, professional input is required.

First, you can eliminate either a part of the roof or all of it and we constructed again keeping in mind the required structure and height. This is indeed a costly affair and needs planning permission. Besides, in this case, you will have to undergo measures that safeguard your house from weather constraints while the Loft conversion work is going on.

The second solution recommends you lower the ceiling of the roof and create an added height there which will be at least 2.4 m. Indeed, it taking off the existing ceiling is a tedious process. Also, to ensure the new floor joist hangs from the wall, you will have to bolt the plate to the wall. To prevent the roof from spreading, there has to be a tie in between the roof and the new ceiling.

  • Do you have a suitable pitch?

To install Loft conversions, you need a central head height that is likely to give you a higher pitch angle. To get a spacious floor area you can either use dormers or completely redesigned the roof structure. Not all properties are suitable for Loft conversions. The properties of the vintage times are the best suited for Loft conversions because you can access them easily. If you consider a Victorian property, you will notice that it has enough space on the ridge.

Time taken for a loft conversion

If you are hired the services of a Loft conversion company, they can complete the project in less time. However, here the time taken for a Loft conversion installation is completely subjective and depends on the complication of the building. If you consider the Loft conversion like any other renovating project, you will notice that it completely depends on the specifics. In case some unforeseen circumstances come up, the whole process will delay.

On average, a professional can take up to 6 weeks for installing a dormer conversion. This 6 weeks’ time includes right from inspecting the space to finishing by installing the Loft conversion. However, this is a general view and can vary, depending on the structural work and the size of the roof if required. In addition, you also need to consider the weather changes. The ideal time to start working on Loft conversion is the summer. Also, if there is a delay in the plan or the makers fail to make it as they had planned, it will affect the time.

The complication of the project increases if you are interested to install mansard or hip-to-gable conversions. The professionals at these structures to the roof as an extension. Since these structures need more work, the professionals will take more than six weeks to finish this task. On the other hand, installing Velux conversions can be wrapped up within 4 weeks, provided there are no delays in the process.


Choosing a Loft conversion installation company can be a tedious process. This is mostly because of the large number of Companies available in the market. Make sure to ask all the questions before hiring the services of a particular company for Loft extensions in London. Usually do not want to regret your decision later.