
Salman Rushdie Stabbed by A New Jersey Man In Western New York – He’s On Ventilator Being Critical!

The famous author, Mr. Salman Rushdie stabbed by a young lad in western New York at the stage of amphitheater, Chautauqua Institution.

The renowned author Mr. Salman Rushdie had long faced death threats many times. But this time was stabbed by a man and Police said the motive is still unclear.

On Friday morning, any sense that threats to his life were a thing of the past was dispelled when an attacker rushed the stage where Mr. Rushdie was programmed to give a talk about the United States as a safe dock for expatriate writers. The assaulter stabbed Mr. Rushdie, 75, in the abdomen and the neck, witnessed by the police and witnesses. He was straining to continue the attack even after many hands held him back.

“It took like five men to pull him away and he was still stabbing,” said Linda Abrams, who attended the lecture in the front row. “He was just furious. Like powerfully strong and just reckless.”

“The news is not good,” the author’s agent, Andrew Wylie, said in an emailed update Friday evening. He said Mr. Rushdie might lose an eye and his liver had been damaged.

Mr. Rushdie immediately was taken to a nearby hospital in Erie, Pa. by helicopter. He underwent in surgery for several hours on Friday afternoon. Mr. Rushdie’s agent, Andrew Wylie, said Friday evening that Mr. Rushdie is on a ventilator and could not speak.

The attack was so brutal that it stunned the onlookers gathered in the 4,000-seat amphitheater at the Chautauqua Institution. This is known to be the summertime destination for literary and arts programming.