
Summer Solstice The astronomical first day of Summer- Fun Facts to Explore!

June solstice or Summer Solstice, is on Tuesday, June 21 in 2022, marking the astronomical first day of summer. The solstice is enjoyed and celebrated by many cultures around the world.

Learn some of the Summer solstice fun facts.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the June solstice, or the summer solstice) occurs when the Sun transits along its northernmost path in the sky. This observes the astronomical start of summer in the northern half of the globe. While in the Southern Hemisphere, it has its opposite impact: the June solstice marks the astronomical start of winter. Because it is at its lowest point in the sky.

Origin of Solstice:

The word “solstice” reaches from Latin solstitium—from sol (sun) and stitium (still or stopped). Due to Earth’s inclined axis, the Sun doesn’t rise and set at the same locations on the horizon each morning and evening. Its elevation and set positions move northward or southward in the sky as Earth transits around the Sun through the year.

Does the Solstice Always Occur on the Same Day?

The timing of the June solstice is not founded on a specific calendar date or time; it all counts on when the Sun arrives at its northernmost point from the cosmic equator. Accordingly, the solstice won’t consistently occur on the same day. Nowadays, it shifts between June 20, 21, and 22.

Where the sun does not set this day?

Iceland is the only place outside of the Arctic Circle where we can experience the sun “not set” as in northern Iceland, the sun sinks all the way down to the horizon, brushes the water then starts to rise likewise in case one physically monitors the sun from the top of a cliff overseeing the sea.

During the June solstice corresponded to any other time of the year, the north pole is tilted more directly toward the sun, and the south pole is tilted more directly away from the sun. As a result, all locations in the north of the equator see longer than 12 hours of day- time while all sites in the south see 12 hours shorter days.

The sun’s path across the sky is curved and which is thought to be a straight line earlier on the summer solstice.

Sunlight strikes places in your home that get enlightened at no other time as the sun rises distant left on the horizon and sets at its rightmost possible spot on the day of the summer solstice.