
The list of things to do on residential moving day

What is the list of things to do for the move? This is one of many questions that people have when they are preparing to move their home or office. It is difficult to move overnight without completing a list of activities.

This isn’t the reality. It would be impossible to achieve such a situation. Professionally organizing a move takes months. It is not about leaving your house abruptly. You have enough time to pack the boxes, move the fragile items to a safe place, and transport them to the new home. You may also want to learn the Best Way To Pack Clothes When Moving.

To avoid getting into trouble or spending too much time trying to fix it, there is always a need to have a list of things to do. Where do you start? Here are some things to keep in mind.


Have you confirmed the services required for the move

This is the first thing that must be done before any other operations can begin. Did you get the services of a professional moving company like Perfect Timing Moving? This step provides you with good assurances. However, you should indicate which additional services you need.


Did you purchase the packaging and boxes?

While everyone is concerned about making sure plates and glasses don’t fall, most people are not aware of the details. There is always something missing. You must ensure that this step is included in your checklist of things to do before you move. This will ensure that you make the correct packaging boxes to your needs, and avoid making costly mistakes.


Notified clients or work?

It will be impossible to work during your move. Impossible. It will be possible to arrange the boxes and organize the furniture, as well as the workers. You can save time and get help from a specialist company if you ask.

It will be difficult to give up a few working days to ensure the move is going in the right direction. If you’re a freelancer, inform your clients as soon as possible.


Transferred electricity, water, or gas utilities?

This would be a serious problem. You could not leave your home without terminating the gas, electricity, and water contracts. Are you connected to utilities at your new residence? This is the most important step in the checklist. Do not fly over. Instead, contact the individual services to verify the steps that were taken to transfer. You can then match the times exactly.


Are your house documents secure and sound?

Goodbye, old house. You have now moved into your new home. However, before you can organize the celebration to celebrate it, make sure you have properly protected and managed all documents.

They must never be forgotten. It must be your duty to ensure that they are always secure. You may lose some files during the busy stages of the move. It can also be a problem for bureaucracy, as you are well aware.


Who takes care of children and pets?

Although you’ve managed your priorities, you now realize you’ve neglected one of the most important things for independent people: children. You have probably already informed a relative or babysitter that you must look after it. You must have it on the day of your move.

Because you can’t give your full attention to everyone when you are occupied with boxes and transport. This applies to pets like cats and dogs. You need to make sure you are covered before you start the move.


Are you avoiding what you don’t want?

It is essential for the success and smooth running of your transfer process. Make sure it is in the forefront. What is it all about? It is important to create a list of objects that will not be followed by you during the boxing phase. This isn’t a matter of cleaning. It is important for organizing an easy and quick move.


Is there basic comfort in the new house?

You should not be afraid of the first night at the residence where you will stay. This is especially important if you have already completed this step in your moving checklist. Have you prepared the new rooms yet? Ensure that everything is in order during the move.


Have you already communicated your intention to change your residence?

This is a situation you can’t ignore. You must inform the municipality about what you have done regarding your residence. The same applies to your family members. It is important to immediately inquire about the bureaucratic procedures that must be followed to ensure that the state always matches the true position of your reference house.