
Where can I get my album reviewed?

Thousands of music artists are struggling just to get their music noticed by the right person. While there are many other marketing strategies, Music Reviews prove themselves as one of the most effective elements that offer organic and honest exposure. I am a music artist myself and I can assure you that if any reputed music platform features you in the reviews, there’s a chance to get famous. I would like to recommend some reliable names in the field that can empower you.

1. Pitchfork
This is the perfect platform that highlights both famous artists and emerging indie artists. Their reviews and recommendations are top-notch and they share honest opinions through their content. Pitchfork also arranges a Music Festival In Chicago.

2. The Young Folks
Just like its titles, this music platform is a potential hub for young listeners. All kinds of pop music are welcome here whether it’s indie, K-pop, or mainstream pop music. This agency has different departments to let the artists dabble between television, books, and movies.

3. Daily Music Roll
Daily Music Roll is one of the famous and reliable global music platforms that features music artists regardless of their style, genre, and region. Other than Reviews, there are options for interviews, blogs, news, and many other options that make its content marketing approach even stronger. It has a huge reader base including global listeners.

4. Vulture
Vulture is one of the fine entertainment platforms that share only raw and factual information.

5. Upset Magazine
This is perfect for independent and aspiring music artists around the world.